Perfection doesn’t exist
No matter how much you persist,
There will always be that thing
That’s not quite right
The wrinkle in the wrong place
The spot on your face,
That horrible thing
That made you so sad.
The year has barely started,
But you’ve already had enough.
Let me tell you something
Life is messy
But it’s also amazing
So go, all guns blazing,
And feel it all
Be sad
And cry
And be mad,
But don’t try
To be perfect,
For it cannot be done.
Instead, have some fun,
And smile,
And be messy,
And laugh,
And hug
And feel life’s buzz,
Because, you know what,
Perfection doesn’t exist,
But happiness
Elke Thompson, 6/1/22
Published on May 29, 2022