As you may or may not know, I have written two new children’s books. The first explains cancer and cancer treatment in words very young children can understand, and is written from three-year-old Mia’s perspective. My daughter Olivia was three when I received my breast cancer diagnosis, so this is based on our true story. In this book mummy gets better. The second book explains living with, and dying from, incurable cancer – once again written from little Mia’s perspective – in words very young children can understand. In this book mummy dies, but while it is a sad story, it is also a book filled with love and hope for the future. These books were written in such a way that they can be used individually or as a set, depending on the diagnosis and timescales.
In July, I proposed both manuscripts to my publisher, and, after much back and forth, they told me last December, that they were happy to offer me a contract for both books. Unfortunately their budget for paying the illustrator is not acceptable, so, while they are deciding if they can offer more, it looks increasingly likely I will be self-publishing again.
I am sooooooo excited to finally be able to push this forward, and hope with all my heart that both books will be published by the end of the year – whichever way…
These are, once again, books dealing with a very difficult subject. And I hope with all my heart that none of you will ever need them. But if you do have to face a cancer diagnosis and have young children or grandchildren – like I did 8 years ago, I hope they will help.
Thank you so, so much to all of you who have helped make this happen so far. I am truly grateful.
Thank you. ❤️
Published on Feb 6, 2020